Indian Cow Breeds

Indian Cow breeds are getting extinct due to artificial insemination

India, a country that gained its independence in 1947, was once home to over 70 indigenous breeds of cows, a testament to the nation's rich biodiversity in livestock. However, the subsequent seven decades have witnessed a concerning decline, with over 50% of these breeds now extinct.
Among the diverse range of Indian cow breeds, some notable ones include:
- Amrutmahal from Karnataka: Known for its agility and strength, this breed has played a significant role in agricultural practices and transportation.
- Bargur from Tamil Nadu: Recognized for its distinctive appearance and adaptability to the hilly terrains of the Bargur hills.
These breeds are not just animals; they represent a crucial part of India's agricultural heritage and ecological balance. The preservation of these breeds is vital for maintaining genetic diversity, supporting sustainable farming practices, and upholding cultural traditions. As we continue to modernize, it becomes increasingly important to safeguard these living symbols of our past for future generations.

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